This Blind Shelter Dog’s Reaction To Receiving Love Will Melt Your Heart

This Blind Shelter Dog’s Reaction To Receiving Love Will Melt Your Heart

This Blind Shelter Dog’s Reaction To Receiving Love Will Melt Your HeartThis Blind Shelter Dog’s Reaction To Receiving Love Will Melt Your Heart

I have always felt great empathy for dogs who have some form of disability because it makes their life just that much harder.

While we don’t even realize it, a lot of them can get incredibly depressed because other people tend to ignore or avoid them.

What makes things even worse is that this drastically reduces the chances that they will be adopted, especially for someone like Sister.

She was blind and deaf, which made her life incredibly difficult. However, despite this, she rejoiced when a kind person came into her kennel to help.

Meet Sister

blind deaf dog looking at man comingblind deaf dog looking at man coming
Source: Youtube

When a famous Pet Rescue Advocate, Rocky Kanaka, first met Sister at a shelter in California, he was surprised by the fact that she approached him.

Despite being deaf and blind, she could still use her sense of smell to identify her surroundings, which is how she knew he was approaching.

Sister wagged her tail because she was so happy to have a visitor. Her life was really hard, as she was abandoned twice in her life, and yet she still craved a connection with someone.

Kanaka wanted to know her story, so Alexis came into the kennel and told him about her difficult journey.

smiling man scratching dogsmiling man scratching dog
Source: Youtube

As stated, she was already abandoned before, but when she came to the shelter the second time, she was filled with scratches and had fleas and dirt all over her fur coat.

The worst part of this story was that she never understood what was happening to her. How could she? She was in a constant state of confusion until she was saved again by the rescuers from California.

When Kanaka asked Alexis on how she ended up in this condition, they came up with multiple theories. 

There was a possibility that she was born that way, never ended up developing, or that she had health complications that led to this.

Another possibility was the environmental factors. Exposure to a toxin could have caused something like this.

Optimistic Future For Sister

man taking care of dogman taking care of dog
Source: Youtube

Regardless, the staff at the organization pointed out that knowing her condition better helped them figure out how to care for her.

Despite all the challenges, she, too, can live a mostly normal life. Even though she went through so much, she remained really sweet and loved meeting new people.

One of the most heartwarming moments she has had while in the care of her amazing rescuers was when she first received toys from a kind person named Michelle.

man making blind deaf dog happyman making blind deaf dog happy
Source: Youtube

In her note, she said that the toys were originally for her dog, Oscar, who passed away, but she wanted to somehow help Sister by giving her them.

Even though she did not fully understand what they were at first, it was beautiful to see her excitement.

She started licking and sniffing them in order to figure out what purpose they served. Kanaka was excited for her because he knew Sister’s life was only going to get better from this point on.

Kanaka also decided to give her some treats to see if she would enjoy them. Naturally, her sense of smell was sharp as ever and he knew she would enjoy them.

man holding a dog and a boxman holding a dog and a box
Source: Youtube

In a way, it showed her that somebody was still there with her, and it helped him build a connection with her.

As Kanaka was preparing to leave, he gave her some more, and she loved it. Sister sniffed and licked him one more time to say goodbye.

Even though her life has been full of difficulties, this sweet dog stays optimistic and loves spending her time with new people. She has a bright future ahead of her, thanks to these amazing people.

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