Adorable Shelter Pup Who Was Terrified Of Hoomans Now Has A Smile That Won’t Go Away

Adorable Shelter Pup Who Was Terrified Of Hoomans Now Has A Smile That Won’t Go Away

Adorable Shelter Pup Who Was Terrified Of Hoomans Now Has A Smile That Won’t Go AwayAdorable Shelter Pup Who Was Terrified Of Hoomans Now Has A Smile That Won’t Go Away

After living a life full of hardships, for some dogs, it takes some time to adapt to their new life full of love.

So, when you adopt a dog with a dark background, it is really important to start slowly and gradually introduce the dog to its new life and humans.

When Jackie took in Heaven and gave her a forever home, she had to be really patient with her at first. But then, after some time, she noticed that her little pup was so happy that she wouldn’t stop smiling.

New Life

When Heaven first got to the shelter, she was absolutely terrified. She would just keep to herself, trembling at any hooman who would pass by her.

One day, Jackie came to visit the shelter and the staff members decided to wrap Heaven in a blanket and hand her to her. As soon as the pup felt the warm embrace of Jackie, she couldn’t help but wag her tail.  

Noticing this, and the way she curled into her, Jackie knew that she found her pup. And the rest is history!

Unfortunately, this sweet girl had some health issues, but nothing some love and care couldn’t fix.

“One of the major concerns was that she had a couple of spots where her fur was missing. It seems to be that she had been losing her fur from stress. She also had something called cherry eyes but it is an easy fix at the vet,” Jackie told GeoBeats.

She also had a really hard time trusting men, making Jackie think that she had a traumatic situation with a man in her past. Luckily, this also faded as days went by.

Spending time with her new hooman not only improved Heaven’s health but her overall well-being.

One Happy Pup

She started coming out of her shell and understanding that she was finally out of harm’s way.

And, six months later, Jackie noticed something incredible: Heaven was smiling! This sweet girl had a huge smile stretching out from ear to ear.

“Her smile is contagious. People will see her smiling and it’s like they can’t help but smile too,” she added.

Not only does she smile, she can also frown.

Whenever things are going her way, her smile will quickly melt away, showing her hooman that she’s not really happy with her decision.

But that frown quickly turns upside down whenever she’s at the park!

“She loves to go to the park and have me put her in the baby swings and she really does sit in a baby swing like she’s a little kid just wanting to be pushed,” she said.

Going from such a sad and scared pup to one that won’t stop smiling really made Jackie the happiest pup owner ever.

She gave Heaven a life full of fun, love, and adventures and Heaven made sure that not a single day passed without her bringing a smile to Jackie’s face.

“If I’m having a hard day, I look at her and I see her smiling back, it makes anything feel better,” Jackie concluded.

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