Owner Deems Blind Dog ‘Useless’ And Dumps Him At 17 Years Old

Abandoned at the age of 17 by a hunter who no longer found him useful due to his failing eyesight, an elderly hunting dog found a new lease on life through the compassion of Natalie, a foster volunteer. The hunter, who had once prized the dog as one of his best for hunting, callously discarded him because of his blindness. “He was a really good hunting dog, one of my best ones, but he was going blind so I didn’t need him anymore,” the hunter had said.


Natalie, sharing the story with GeoBeats, recounted how she came to foster the old dog. Colleagues at the shelter suggested she take the dog for a walk, knowing well her soft spot for such cases. The dog, now named Papi, was struggling not just with blindness but also with untreated injuries and arthritis, suggesting a life of neglect and hardship.

Determined to improve Papi’s quality of life, Natalie began with nutritional improvements, which quickly bolstered his health. She also sought physiotherapy for his arthritis and provided supplements that helped him adapt more comfortably to his new environment. Despite his blindness, Papi navigated the world with an acute sense of hearing and smell.


Natalie discovered that Papi had several old fractures in his legs that had healed improperly over time, likely ignored by his previous owner. Yet, even with these challenges, Papi thrived in Natalie’s care, joining her on long daily walks and fully embracing his new home.

The blindness, Natalie learned, was due to a poor diet lacking proper nutrition, which resulted in a layer of film forming over his cornea, akin to “filthy glasses.” At home, Papyi found his favorite spot on the new couch, claiming it instantly as his own—a luxury he had probably never enjoyed before.


Natalie quickly grew to love Papi, leading her to adopt him officially. Reflecting on their time together, she expressed a heartfelt wish that she could have been with him from puppyhood to spare him the hardships of his earlier years. Yet, she hoped that the love and care he now received had erased any lingering memories of his past neglect.

Papi, whom Natalie fondly described as the “smiley grandpa” type of dog, was approaching his 20th birthday. Against all odds, he continued to enjoy every day to the fullest, making up for lost time with every moment spent in loving company. Natalie often joked with visitors that once they started petting Papi, they were bound to fall in love and stay longer than planned.

As Papi grew older under Natalie’s care, her initial worries about his age diminished. She now believed he might just set the record for being the oldest dog ever, a testament to the resilience of an animal once left behind but now cherished every day.

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