Two-Week-Old Puppy Rejected By Her Mom Finds The Perfect Hooman To Help Her

Two-Week-Old Puppy Rejected By Her Mom Finds The Perfect Hooman To Help Her

Two-Week-Old Puppy Rejected By Her Mom Finds The Perfect Hooman To Help HerTwo-Week-Old Puppy Rejected By Her Mom Finds The Perfect Hooman To Help Her

It’s hard to think about it, but not everything is always so predictable in the animal world. Things can happen and we would have a hard time explaining the cause.

In the case of small puppies, sometimes their moms will reject them, and while it is a horrible thing, it does happen in nature.

However, despite this, not everything is doom and gloom. There is always another side to every story, and in this one, a kind rescuer decided to give a newborn puppy a new chance.

Meet Shramp

tiny newborn puppytiny newborn puppy
Source: The Moho

When Shramp was first found by her rescuer in Texas, she was unfortunately rejected by her mother and seriously needed help.

Upon examination, the woman found that there was something wrong with her eye and it looked like it was an ulcer.

She was also very malnourished, which made it difficult to determine her age, but she was estimated to be around two weeks old.

To make things even more depressing, Shramp also had quite a few injuries and wounds that would need treating as soon as possible.

puppy lying next to a laptoppuppy lying next to a laptop
Source: The Moho

The first order of business for her rescuer was to feed her so she would have a fighting chance.

Now that there was someone taking care of her, it meant that there was a good chance she would recover.

Her rescuer had to be there for her 24/7, as she was still just too fragile and couldn’t do anything on her own.

A Lucky Break 

photo of puppy in a kennelphoto of puppy in a kennel
Source: The Moho

With each passing day, Shramp was making amazing progress. She really wanted to live, and you could tell just by how happy she got all the time.

Now that she is out of the woods, the kind woman who is sheltering her has decided to get this puppy her own kennel with a cozy place to nap.

It’s safe to say that Shramp just loved it and is spending a lot of time in her new little corner just  napping.

After about 11 days in the care of her rescuer, it was time for this puppy’s checkup at the veterinarian clinic in Texas.

The vet checked her eye and determined that the inflammation was down, but there was no time to relax, as she would still need time to recover.

dog lying with a toydog lying with a toy
Source: The Moho

However, they still had to refer Shramp to a veterinary ophthalmologist who would do an examination, as they suspected she had anterior synechiae.

She also has a small hernia and possibly hydrocephalus. However, until it’s time for their visit, she will continue her recovery at home.

Shramp has the best nanny ever in the form of Theodore Charleston, the dog who just loves spending time with her.

While he is not always able to match her energy levels, Charleston is always present and watching out for her.

A Brand-New Chapter

puppy sleepingpuppy sleeping
Source: The Moho

After she got her first vaccination, she was also finally able to interact with the other dogs in the house and they were all taken aback by her friendliness.

She just loves her new family and her personality is starting to show with each passing day. 

Now that it was time for her to go to a veterinarian again, they had to prepare for some bad news. In order to help Shramp, they would have to remove her eye.

While it’s not a pleasant thing, it needed to be done and she would make a complete recovery after that. 

The surgery went fine, and as expected, Shramp is going to be okay. The veterinarians let her mom take her home on the same day and told her to watch over her 24/7.

Despite going through a very rough surgery herself, she bounced back to her usual happy self in just a few days and is already starting to play with her mom and the other dogs.

It’s only thanks to Shramp’s amazing determination and her rescuer that she is now able to enjoy all that life has to offer with the most amazing people and siblings she could ask for.

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