Rescuer Was In Disbelief When He Saw What Was In The Small Box In The Woods

Rescuer Was In Disbelief When He Saw What Was In The Small Box In The Woods

Rescuer Was In Disbelief When He Saw What Was In The Small Box In The WoodsRescuer Was In Disbelief When He Saw What Was In The Small Box In The Woods

When Alex Sirbu, a dedicated animal rescuer, found a cardboard box at the edge of a forest, he decided to investigate.

When he approached the box and opened it, his heart broke. Inside of it was a litter of newborn puppies.

Rescue Mission

open box in the forestopen box in the forest
Source: Animal Rescue

Alex truly couldn’t believe his eyes. He was unable to understand why somebody would abandon these babies so carelessly in the middle of nowhere instead of bringing them to the shelter where they could receive proper care.

Alex soon found out that they were just a couple of hours old and that some of them even still had their umbilical cord attached.

puppies in hand manpuppies in hand man
Source: Animal Rescue

Even though Alex already had some animals he saved in his care, he still decided to take in the puppies because he didn’t have the heart to leave them.

Alex went on to explain how difficult it is to care for new-born pups. In order for these pups to survive, they need to be fed 5 to 6 times a day with a special type of milk, or else they need a mama dog who is willing to adopt them.

Luckily, Alex had just that.

He was already taking care of 3 new-born pups and their mom, so he planned on putting the new litter with them, hoping that the mama dog would accept them as her own.

a puppy tied to a paw in a man's handa puppy tied to a paw in a man's hand
Source: Animal Rescue

A True Miracle

Alex carefully joined the babies together and called their mom. All he had to do now was wait and see what would happen.

Three days later, Alex went to check on the litter and what he saw amazed him.

puppies sleep on haypuppies sleep on hay
Source: Animal Rescue

The mama dog and another female dog who didn’t have any puppies of her own decided to split the litter between each other.

Alex was touched by the incredible compassion between the two dogs, gaining hope that the litter would survive.   

man petting a dog's headman petting a dog's head
Source: YouTube

Five weeks later, unfortunately, only four puppies survived. However, this fact didn’t discourage Alex at all.

He stayed strong for these beautiful pups, making sure they grew up big and strong. He also made sure to let their adoptive mom know just how proud he was of her loving nature.

cute three puppies looking at the cameracute three puppies looking at the camera
Source: Animal Rescue

Final Word

I am sure that, growing up to be such beautiful dogs, every member of this little family will find a loving home that will give them all the attention they need and deserve.

Thank you to each and every human who, even once in their life, took the time and effort to help an animal in need. You truly are heroes!

And, please remember – if for any reason you aren’t able to take care of your pets anymore, take them to your local shelter or rescue and give them a chance at happiness. They deserve it.

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